creating / seeing

crests and spirit animals

I have some paintings in a group art show called: Historia at Manic Coffee, 426 College Street, Toronto, ON.

It’s a conglomerate mix  of narrative; personal history; fantasy-scapes  and convoluted faerytales.

 Up until this point in my life, I have been fairly obsessed with the idea of categorizing human beings based on physical and psychological and indicators.This is by no means an objective scientific process. Rather, the contrary.

I keep a little red book in which all my friends and acquaintances are listed by animal type.  For example: Camels are often tall, reserved, dark-blondish male philosopher-types. Bulls are dark, volatile, stocky, muscled, dangerous Romeos. My chickadee friend is curvy, freckle-speckled, maternal, and socializes by happily bouncing from person to person. There are of course, some paradoxes–I know one wolfish-looking male who is not rough and mangy, but is a rather respectable and predictable electrician.  I’m currently boarding with an Arabian mare, a beaver, an owl and an eagle.

The long and short of it: I’m intrinsically fascinated by both the visible and invisible characteristics that differentiate us from each other. In addition to the animal thing, there are colors, textures, organic objects, phrases and patterns that I associate with the people that matter to me. This project is an attempt to create symbolic biographies through the time-worn design medium of coat of arms.

These crests are hanging alongside photograph portraits  by Rebeccah Newcombe.

“These portraits capture three females as young women. By contrast, the corresponding crests illustrate a timeless representation of these same women.  Visible qualities will evolve. Invisible characteristics will not. These biographical pairings create a crossroad at which the evolving visible and the changeless invisible meet.” (excerpt from Rebeccah Newcombe’s artist statement, 2012)

The Queen, watercolor on 18″ x 24″ raw canvas, 2012.

While the crests hanging in Manic Coffee are for sale, it is my intention that this art-form would be a commission-based representation of one’s personal history. I love new projects. Commissioned crests (watercolor on 16 ” x 20″ raw canvas) are $350.

To determine what your own crest would look like, fill out this survey. Copy and paste your answers to the comment box, if you want.

What would your coat of arms look like?

1) Choose one or two animals that you feel an affinity with. Please justify the characteristics of each which appeal to you using adjectives:

Ex: Lion: fierce. Crazy-big hair, Strong and saucy walk. Lobster: Unusually and understatedly beautiful. Green-blue-red mottled carapace. Clean,interlocking geometric design. Gets to live in the ocean.


Animal no.2____________________Why?__________________________________________________ 

2) Please list three inanimate objects (be specific) that mean something to you.

Ex: My skateboard with mint-green and crimson racing stripes. My left femur (leg-bone) because I broke it once. My collection of vintage Penguin books.

3) List three textures or patterns you find irresistible (or even just extremely attractive) Ex: Pearls, squishy bread, espresso crema, rust.________________________, ________________________________ and _____________________________________________

4) List three natural objects you are attracted to Ex: Women, caves, conch shells.____________________, _____________________________and _____________________

5) One of my favorite places to be and why Ex: One of my favorite places to be is on a old wooden fishing boat wearing 6 layers of clothes plus a yellow waterproof hat, with the ocean breeze whistling around my face. It makes me feel invigorated and adventurous yet cozy and safe.

 6) Any words to live by? Something shared by an elder, beloved lyrics, a line from a book or movie. Or quote yourself. Ex: Red is best.“If you’re afraid of butter, use cream” “Are you looking for shells too?”


2 thoughts on “crests and spirit animals

  1. Pingback: Hybrid « The Graduette

  2. Pingback: Hybrid | The Graduette

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